Monday, June 27, 2011

Making Goat Cheese.

I started with fresh goat's milk.

Cheese cloth & strainer.

Heating & being sure to stir.

Added vinegar.

Poured into strainer.

Scraping the cloth until all liquid is through. 


Liquid continues to come out.
Depending on how you like the cheese it can be eaten dry or wet.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Our dear friend Amy let us farm sit with her at a local farm.

It was really fun to experience the goats.

Baby turkeys. Their names are Thanks Giving & Christmas Dinner.

My husband with the some of the milk from the day. 

This week my husband & I read a new book.
Now our absolute favorite!
It is a must read for everyone.
We have even thought of buying a copy for every friend we have!

Monday, June 6, 2011

What a Great Surprise!

Today I was a work and Dan & his husband Mike of Colorado stopped by to visit me!
Dan works for Fundraising for Free!. They came to be with Mike's mother in Florida for her 70th birthday. She happens to live in the same city as my work! I was so excited to meet them! Check out the blog!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Camera!

 Cute little horn.

I can not figure out the flash.

Favorite book ever!